Now let me start this, if home is where the heart is
With her I feel at home even when we're apart it's
Strange but I can feel her presence beside me
So in a sense one could say that she guides me
Now I'm remembering the first time I saw her
Feeling this vibe, or whatever, let's say aura
But I never would have thought, see I never could have known
Outta one chance glance all this could have grown
And that's the beauty of it you see it grows and it's natural
What can I say in every way we're compatible
Talk is cheap at times we don't speak
Cos we're engrossed in thoughts that are deep
It's like two hearts, two minds, two bodies, two souls
Making one whole, now it's gotta be told
That what we have is more than just physical
Don't be so cynical, we got a spiritual love
Feels so natural
More than physical
Spiritual love
Feels so natural
More than physical
Spiritual love
We got a love I can trust let me tell you 'bout us
Underline the word love and see it ain't about lust
It's spiritual love oh, what a feeling
Impossible to measure it, one can only treasure it
Sort of like a legacy, maybe it's my destiny
Maybe it's a test of me, to bring out the best in me
Who knows, who cares, all I know is that there's
A reason for everything and whatever fate may bring
See I didn't plan this some don't understand this
They try to play the role of thinking that's what a man is
To me she's more than just a fashion accessory
And I'll protect her by any means necessary
Two hearts, two minds, two bodies, two souls
Making one whole, now it's gotta be told
That what we have is more than just physical
Don't be so cynical, we got a spiritual love
Feels so natural
More than physical
Spiritual love
Feels so natural
More than physical
Spiritual love
sabato 13 ottobre 2007
Urban Species - Spiritual Love
venerdì 12 ottobre 2007
Tracce di vita
Sheila - Spacer
He's a spacer
A star chaser
A spacer
He's a ladies man
Always greets with, a kiss on the hand
He protects us all
At the ready to answer our call
In his own special way he is gentle and kind
Oppression he hates
Love in his eyes
My heart skips a beat when I'm by his side
(repeat chorus twice)
In our galaxy
You can't trust everyone that you meet
I'm so lucky
He's the only on I'll ever need
He will blast off tonight
He puts his life on the line everytime he's in flight
A man you can trace
But our love will last beyond time and space
(repeat chorus three times)
giovedì 11 ottobre 2007
ENIGMA Roundabout
But changes are life
And someday we will have to say good bye
But our spirit will survive
Love is phasing
Love is moving
To the rhythm of your sight
In the darkness I get closer
To the crossing point of light
Reason is lasting, passion is living
And dying is teaching us how to live"
Il delfino

"Arriva un momento nella vita
in cui non rimane altro da fare
che percorrere la propria strada fino in fondo.
Quello è il momento di inseguire i propri sogni,
quello è il momento di prendere il largo,
forti delle proprie convinzioni."
"Le decisioni sono un modo
per definire se stessi.
Sono il modo per dare vita
e significato ai sogni.
Sono il modo per farci diventare
ciò che vogliamo."
"Là dove sei diretto
non ci sono sentieri, nè piste,
solo il tuo istinto.
Hai seguito i segnali e alla fine sei arrivato.
Adesso devi fare il gran tuffo nell'ignoto
e scoprire da solo
chi ha torto,
chi ha ragione,
chi sei tu veramente."
"Alcune cose saranno sempre più forti
del tempo e della distanza,
più profonde del linguaggio e delle abitudini:
seguire i propri sogni
e imparare a essere se stessi,
condividendo con gli altri
la magia di quella scoperta..."
Sergio Bambarén - "Il delfino. I sentieri del sogno portano alla verità"
Enigma - Return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence.
[Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion]
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence.
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence.
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence.
[Don't care what people say
Follow just your own way
Follow just your own way
Don't give up, don't give up
To return, to return to innocence.]
[If you want then laugh
If you must then cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.]
Gravity of Love - The screen behind the mirror

"O Fortuna velut Luna" ["O Fortune like the Moon"]
Turn around and smell what you don't see
Close your eyes ... it is so clear
Here's the mirror, behind there is a screen
On both ways you can get in.
Don't think twice before you listen to your heart,
Follow the trace for a new start.
What you need and everything you'll feel
Is just a question of the deal.
In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
[Woman :]
The path of excess leads to the
[Man :]
The path of excess leads to the
Try to think about it...
That's the chance to live your life and discover
What it is, what's the gravity of love
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
Look around just people, can you hear their voice
Find the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choice.
But if you're in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
Il vento scrive

con le penne dell'ala; e in sua favella
parlano i segni per le bianche rive.
Ma, quando il sol declina, d'ogni nota
ombra lene si crea, d'ogni ondicella,
quasi di ciglia su soave gota.
E par che nell'immenso arido viso
della pioggia s'immilli il tuo sorriso."
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can't you understand
Oh my little girl
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable
Chorus (3x)
mercoledì 10 ottobre 2007
Yves La Rock - Rise Up
Eh! Eh!
Rise Up
don't falling down again
Rise Up
long time I broke the chains
I try to fly a while so high
direction sky
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high (×3)
eh.. eh.. eh..
I try to fly a while so high
direction sky
I try to fly a while so high
direction sky eh!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high (×3)
eh.. eh.. eh..
Rise up rise up rise up rise up
Will be it again
Rise up rise up rise up rise up
For my mind and my brain
‘cause I try to fly so high, direction sky, eh!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, eh!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high, eh! Eh!
martedì 9 ottobre 2007
No alla pena di morte!
lunedì 8 ottobre 2007
L'arte di ascoltare

"Prima di tutto dovete usare le vostre orecchie per rimuovere un po' di fardello dagli occhi. Fin dalla nascita avete usato gli occhi per giudicare il mondo. Parliamo gli altri e a noi stessi principalmente di ciò che vediamo. Un guerriero ascolta sempre i suoni del mondo."
Carlos Castaneda, Viaggio a Ixtlan
domenica 7 ottobre 2007
Desireless - Voyage Voyage
Au dessus des vieux volcans,
Glisse des ailes sous les tapis du vent,
Voyage, voyage,
De nuages en marécages,
De vent d'Espagne en pluie d'équateur,
Voyage, voyage,
Vole dans les hauteurs
Au dessus des capitales,
Des idées fatales,
Regarde l'océan...
Voyage, voyage
Plus loin que la nuit et le jour, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage
Sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Et jamais ne revient.
Sur le Gange ou l'Amazone,
Chez les blacks, chez les sikhs, chez les jaunes,
Voyage, voyage
Dans tout le royaume.
Sur les dunes du Sahara,
Des iles Fidji au
Voyage, voyage,
Ne t'arrêtes pas.
Au dessus des barbelés,
Des coeurs bombardés,
Regarde l'océan.
Voyage, voyage
Plus loin que la nuit et le jour, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage
Sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Et jamais ne revient.
Au dessus des capitales,
Des idées fatales,
Regarde l'océan.
Voyage, voyage
Plus loin que la nuit et le jour, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Dans l'espace inouï de l'amour.
Voyage, voyage
Sur l'eau sacrée d'un fleuve indien, (voyage voyage)
Voyage (voyage)
Et jamais ne revient
Al di sopra dei vecchi vulcani,
Scivola dalle ali sotto i tappeti del vento,
Viaggia, viaggia,
Da nuvole a paludi,
Dal vento di Spagna alla pioggia d’equatore,
Viaggia, viaggia,
Vola in alto
Al di sopra delle capitali,
Dalle idee fatali,
Guarda l’oceano…
Viaggia, viaggia
Più lontano della notte e del giorno, ( viaggia, viaggia )
Viaggia (viaggia)
Nello spazio inaudito dell’amore
Viaggia, viaggia
Sull’acqua sacra di un fiume indiano, (viaggia, viaggia)
Viaggia (viaggia)
E non tornare mai
Sul Gange o il Rio delle Amazzoni,
Dai Neri, dai Sikhs, dai Gialli,
Viaggia, viaggia
In tutto il regno.
Sulle dune del Sahara,
Dalle isole Fidji al Fujiyama,
Viaggia, viaggia,
Non fermarti.
Al di sopra dei barbuti,
Dai cuori bombardati,
Guarda l’oceano.
Viaggia, viaggia
Più lontano della notte e il giorno, (viaggia viaggia)
Viaggia (viaggia)
Nello spazio inaudito dell’amore.
Viaggia, viaggia
Sull’acqua sacra di un fiume indiano, (viaggia viaggia)
Viaggia (viaggia)
E non tornare mai
Al di sopra delle capitali,
Dalle idee fatali,
Guarda l’oceano.
Viaggia, viaggia
Più lontano della notte e il giorno, (viaggia viaggia)
Viaggia (viaggia)
Nello spazio inaudito dell’amore.
Viaggia, viaggia
Sull’acqua sacra di un fiume indiano, (viaggia viaggia)
Viaggia (viaggia)
E non tornare mai